Monday, October 10, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 29

unfinished riddled mayhem reboot

apple collective bad boys and

girls confess fifty percent


with a respect tight giant

bosses and demigods is he

just going to beat stuff


hiding in the fruit

leaden will chase

casual well it’s not

my best

means a lot for the

people who are

but i do it anyway

seamless for the news

over the top we amp

for the cows aren’t going

to milk themselves

the dragon tears it’s

heart out

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 28

a bright out of smack

earth no plans to tour

capture one of a

kind scary mask

don’t shred what

we have at our finger’s


taken us into some really

interesting areas require

game ways can i customize

them tons and gosh

more of the cool stuff

were trying for the anatomical

something a very special making

Friday, September 23, 2011

don’t touch the sound

there’s never been

a better time

to chug

and make me so

very happy

as a history buff

as a little oyster

how did we

get tempted

by a cosmetic procedure

having said that

i'll let you smell

my hair for

fifty dollars

the parties over

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 27

weapons and robot packs
rolling out community
in this weeks issue
every step of the
way review love
the most for the

very dominating your
drinking problem word
talking animals it’s pretty
good pile ohm around
everyone can’t hurt the

happy little change
white enough for you
my hair was shorter
at different times

read them every
day we take it
very seriously

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 26

impregnate wood
little big hits stores
you get the bankrupts
experience wrinkle
face life period

traditional artist
effect apps the difference
in just one day
dramatic results
of the highest
quality beer

at the lowest
legal price
i don’t feel

like i’m shaving
you added a
fourth day not
feeling much for
chicks battling nazi’s

unsurpassed torque
not stopping here like me
like you we’re going
vertical huge
cinematic moments
the russians have
taken over manhatten

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 25

something rad for a

camera just like your

favorite scene take

out the cartel let yourself

go even if your alone

best of all our

number did too

take on your world

new and exciting for

the franchise who are

our teammates

smooth talking ladies

man we don’t know

why we just need

to stop them seamless

gatling pretty suave

put your pants back

on we draw a card

fortify the pigs low

tech and acid reflux

inside the royal tour

intimate to the

hugeness of it all

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 24

dark towers is great but

you want the audience

to feel the snow falls

only ram will thin out

the herd quick i don’t

care if my tampon comes

in rainbow colours

we run the gamut

causal content

marketing itself needless

line work delivers full

mec suit else is going

to dig this need it the

greatest hero’s of all time

were not just celebrating

the legacy of majestic

and theirs a new

gunslinger in town

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 23

much anticipated she seems to
be missing her wings
stranded nuclear so deep
back unleashed jumped
their contest going global
i was born this way multi
talented i find it annoying
hurling a sphere at you
limited touch

everyone if you
miss anything
or want to watch
it again

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 22

the gremlin and pacers

of the world

visceral who’s the big

winner our prices

on living that’s our phone

in your hand advanced

rendering who is the

daddy when that thing

hits defenseless

against the dress

and you may never know

two weeks in the earth

needs epic right after wings

you saw her just

wreaking stuff hello

hydration unknown

producer all new

much more people


Friday, July 1, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 21

everything is cool

crawling for ju ju

rumored to be attached


hand breaded

and getting better

where the game is taking

place extraction soul

collecting dynamic long

time hard core we had to

have quests the story is

just right narrative

culture shop hiding

that beautiful smile

is this sexier

see their face on the

same page we will

deliver a legal thriller

up the bar on

Monday, June 27, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 20

if he starts to move

i'm going after animal control

do things right

where the odor is

the strongest oh my god

becky isn't even hot breaking

down fast give the beaver

a new home

backyard infested with

snakes can jump right out

the hotline number

is smothering wreckage

straight answers preloaded

there's no discount for agreeing

with me natural male enhancement

off set your stupid power chair

will be paid for in full

what do our dead flowers

have in common or a guest

there was a man ship get

me out of here man ship

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 19

ok tell me what happened two more

bodies over by the beer i got to

change my pants blasting away

holding hands paper or plastic both

end up firing two shots from the

master of all things hardwarian

people notice there was no way

to warn the cop a third strip of

bacon i think i need a lawyer with

rotten teeth a lone wolf or part

trade craft all speak to test driving

unsuccessfully thankfully when did

he become radicalized some of the

targeting rules people come to new york

wanting to kill new yorkers

Friday, June 17, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 18

cross a wide swath get me the

bonus chair kitty keeps coming

back just like the union cash

in that moment in this

snapshot look forward to or

dreading on the ground big house

was not in the prompter that was

in my head a quarter of you yes

what we need to ruin it

through the dishwasher what

kind of system is afraid of his

wife will run for congress

pick up the phone america

is still the greatest

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 17

the spin stops right here up or

way way back when he doesn't

believe in government about

somethings lots of clock left

on this thing will be got

hammered making it worst

making it better insider at

every glove box app shows

that just doesn't get it

rammed down people had

fat cats sneered from my cold

dead fiscal pancake lovers

unite is a hoax and husbands

gambling at atlantic city make

the most important conversations

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

from swarm

it was an ufo and it is my sincere desire to be respectful and many non-believers find something otherworldly about this place the actual fluidity a movement a fine skull to it so they can not identify the afterworld did you says the lines had something to do with water people walking completely wrong don't worry we've got something for you too although you can’t touch it or walk all over this half-mile giant on the plains of death of a ladies' man that phil spector produced in nineteen seventy seven that's right guys a girlfriend of mine got me into this

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 16

three thousand an hour upgrade your family
back into the vault the new death toll
in bad taste this is cronyism all the way
more comedy who grew my soup good bye

horse pills transformation my bathroom of
freedom scurrying people panic setting in
stories of survival washed away telling
the tale twisted areas scrap the idea more

more that not the bottom line two hundred
thousand homes and worth the cost who's
ruining the economy he broke the door
good old fashion hard work all in one back
to back snow looking

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 15

nobody saw anything we were
roommates we weren't really
eight to ten pints of bailout my tank
is full sometimes i'm glad i only work

with dead people you let it escalate
to first degree ever caught on tape
taste greatness of a gunman has a
hostage a cloud of dust i don't know

what thought process was the buck
stops here in diamonds the last
alternative feels good about myself

Saturday, March 26, 2011

daft keyboard


has been

a theater staple

i found a hiding

place a blessed

hiding place

but social media

is saving millions

in advertising

nothing is as important

as your non-hodgkin's

lymphoma everything

makes you hungry for

more blimps maybe

able to carry one thousand

paper cranes

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 14

they can't find what they were looking for
we don't even know where to start looking
free communication weekend thousands of
apps air born traffic can freeze your farts

here here and up the stairs there's no blood
to step in if your first i hate the taste of that
stuff i love nancy drew she always gets the
bad guys you need on your weekend to do

list you think she's alive we'll deal with the
government magic bread bowl says we're
here to talk about your family i'm just trying
to stay positive don't blame the carpenter
blame the tools

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 13

sixty days in the lockup
i sing like a meteor i'm the
man that explains all this respect

the fresh cooked bacon keeping
their mouths shut you think you
got it all wrong now why don't
you tell us what happened i
want a lawyer and then things

got out of hand but you'll
agree its all well worth it lug nuts
that point A to point B no not now

let's get to cramming rocket
science when the angle of
the dangle really makes your
eyes pop

Friday, March 18, 2011

from: lots of tiny knives

long udder used doctoral secret workshop

library blues again

pulled the content sued one button addie

unexpected sprig not plastic dealing

trench lotus lout stager stress

from corresponding wiki war world

obscenity phenomenon these times

certainly are the want

see short circuit conflict disturbia do not

text his thingy apparently littering

furthermore patch it up

gone wild meaning wrong

in one ear and snout the other

copy comments introspection

emotional growth and understanding

what’s wrong with you

what’s mutherfucker mean

as in already pre-op this homage

this suspicious pep cult

for all the beginning of the ghost styled

pastoral witch went accuser

wicky wick

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the spot-plague

here’s how your

skin works

the real problem

is a dullness

sweating hood

rats get down

with your

bad self

rumors after that

everyone has coffee

and laughs about

what a great time

they had the saddest

part is the children

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 12

he acted like i wasn't there
one slug from his cranium
back east rich and this uranium
still in the wind folks heal your
power train lower lip rather pouty

night that's it that's his smell lets
get this genocide silky smooth all
business i'm going to be
in your grill for the rest of
your natural highway mileage

stay thirsty with old coleslaw
or know what they say eleven
thousand and thirty three patterns

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 11

hey you're from trenton
run like the pro's indulge in
the buffets a blonde who got off

on this floor inside
the sternum the same shows stop
paying a lot less than every
king a limit you wouldn't
be here if it wasn't pin
it on the blonde in the
nuvaring eat n play

back to ballistics we can
let's go daddy said never
tell sounded desperate
more than you know i'm
a dirty cop rotten
to the core

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

still a blurter

see something

say something

throw pillows

pull the best parts

of each to form

it's dinosaur-toothed

sound that takes place

in all of these hallways

where we can find

the white rabbit

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 10

the food chain we're going
to mexico don't screw
it up we have to move

fast good luck with that hard
hit were still missing something
i look forward to old age and
the busy life you observe on
the internet is a beautiful thing

that makes me sick people who
do bad things need to be
punished is that how you
should feel it's only dish
washing i believe she was
singing to her dead

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 9

strange place to get
so big this changes
everything i think about condoms

confidence starts with this is no
cave clear your mind of only what you
take with emerging technologies

splatter sizzle on the nipples there are
only two kinds of stories twenty
nine dimensions twenty four
eight five one i offered to the

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

the broken reed

talk about

i can’t wait

but not us

hard right

never ceases

to entertain

meaning less than

trust worthy

Monday, February 28, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 8

if they don't put us in separate
rooms maybe we can continue
there too your left went to ground
going home outside the box for
public safety they nailed us

thousands of dollars will be
too late live the dream just
off the strip cuz very bad boy
has his soft mistake along time ago

a dirty cop rotten to the core
reduces irritation six tools in one
shower gel and likes the pipe

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 7

sounds so silly now
babies are suppose to be cute

buy one for only one hundred
wants something from
daddies here with his
head injury shimmer
to bars going to clubs

and get the forth free
blood clout or cancer
had cancer and men
need a variety of scents

just below the surface
more for the little
things in the coldest
place on earth

Thursday, February 24, 2011

they call it the pie hole

here are the ropes

a cunt like you

jerk though their tears

ending in the word job

till i’ve paid

for what i’ve done


just wants to be your plaything

no strings attached

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 6

and a bag for the stomach contents
i just don't understand lubricant
game on freak flag fly my best
face forward acting all
shady on the high roller floor

stain release we've been
down right by the meaty mcdouble
i want a look i was in one
of his movies after work but
now i must enter the mad house

the deeper you clean this much
ass was three hundred years
ago to enhance his own pleasure

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 5

i have these small hands
tested the numbers i'm about
to save your life bending

and nothing stout street
engine damper up liquid
noise cancellation sure

he wasn't ready for the
photo shoot wrinkle this
is a start of a business
that sells it another luxury

while the shrimp are

Saturday, February 19, 2011

who the hell needs strawberries

this is it

all there is

at least all we know of

makin meat my

ass is haunted

lurk harder

oh nice

is that the wind

all we are

is dogs in the wind

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 4

it's only funny when it happens
i got troubles is going
nuts pre-screened single for less

and we made it free our
meeting was not a coincident
anymore than you can stop
the suns from setting a
statistic on the rims

of a dog bite

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 3

the toaster isn't real
court voted her invisible

smooth enamel proven to
be more elegant tox to
technology tape lift
when it seems flat

paper weight clearance
like a burger in a bun
a lot under the hood
purring nitro in the night

sky of over eight million
songs you attacked a
police officer you think

i did this varsity football
i'm going to search the
perimeter bodies keep
piling up

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

magic for dummies

though i own the

“hard copies”

of them as well

yes we want that

it’s just snow okay

let's talk about magic

when drugged by love

incandescence you pour

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 2

i suppose i could hot wire this thing
flat bread their is no escape
perfect for your boneless
wings failed

your highness you were right
you were right about me
i love my loll pop separated
at the feet almost
empty ignition switch
light reflecting metallic

what’s this all about
everything in a bag
that feeds me a secret

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chortling American Show Goo 1

do you really think
you'll find a plot here

we don't serve your kind
i'll be captain
and no questions

extract information watch
your language
boasting dusting
crop boy don't
trust them she lied

but there are alternatives to
fighting don't
get cocky

Saturday, February 12, 2011

what an award can do for you

she is completely normal

and they're not grotesquely swollen

a married woman on the “facebook”

of cheaters is looking

to sleep with you

listen to the rhythm

of the gentle bossa nova

a blizzard he was lost

bet you want to see me play here

Friday, February 11, 2011

won’t be beat

they have albinos on tv

now from information is beautiful

to please lick me really really lick me

take a look inside

because that's what some guys do

your breasts called

your baggage here

was the best we could do